There is an urgent need to diversify the registry.

There is an urgent need to diversify the registry.

Ethnicity is a key factor in finding a marrow match. Lower numbers of BIPOC participants in the marrow registry result in vast disparities in who is likely to find a lifesaving donor.

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Who is Hope is Loud?

Hope Is Loud is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that seeks to raise awareness about health inequities that affect the BIPOC communities with an initial focus on improving chances of finding a donor for patients needing a bone marrow transplant.

Our vision is to identify, highlight, address and erase the healthcare inequities that exist between BIPOC and other races/ethnicities.

Dire Need for Diversity

Percent Able to Find a Matching Donor

“As I have now come to say, ’I did not choose this life. This life chose me.’

I have founded the Hope Is Loud Foundation to focus on Improving BIPOC representation in the marrow registry so that other patients can have access to marrow transplantation.”
—Ahamadu M. Sirleaf, Hope is Loud, Executive Director